A surprise the new Tool

Ivan is always looking for new information and practices how to make things better and easier to work on the farm, so he saw this great tool on YouTube. Very excited he sent a picture of the tool to his friend Manoliño who is a blacksmith. They talked a bit about the tool and how good it would be to have it.

Not expecting anything, his friend called him two days later. “Hey Ivan, your tool is ready.” “What? Como? Unbeliveable.” Manoliño just built the tool from the foto without saying anything, what a surprise. Gracias – thank you so much Manoliño, you are a genious!

Now the tool is all the time in action when preparing a terrace. Before it took one hour to built the terrace with the holes. Each line seperatly. Now the tool makes the marks as squares and depending what will be planted the squares help to make the holes very fast.

For example one hole on the left side in the corner, one hole on the right in the same corner and in the next square only one hole in the middle. This time the terrace is prepared to plant broccoli. Otherwise you could just make holes in each corner, when you plant leeg or beetroot for example. The distance between the plants always depend on what you plant. Afterwards compost into the holes, so the plants get already some food and than the broccoli. Grow bien little plants.