Before we can start to plant the last vegetables for this year, all the six fields need to be clean. So we harvest the rest of the vegetables, which are in the terraces and take out all plants, a lot of compost we get this way also.
Than the tractor can come and do its work. The outcome pure ground, ready to get started to plant what will grow over the winter season. But before the terraces need to be prepared. We work for two weeks and finally arrive in field four, two more fields to go – to finish all.
Some impressions from the field: Ivan making holes and the volonteers put the plants and plant. Working hand in hand and seeing one terrace after the other ready planted.
Lettuce, leek, chard, brocolli, spinach, different typs of col like the blue one put are into the ground. Hoping for a good winter which is not too cold and also too much rain so the plants will grow good. In four month we will see more.